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21 Sept 2010

Al - kisah :sahabat Vs kaseh... suke Vs cinte...

salam  ....
today is 12 th Syawal 1431H...

bahang kemeriahan Syawal maseh terasa laGi...diz year , raye bg tok wan n nenek d jengka jadi lebih bermkne sbb sume adik beradik mama n kalaan. oops!! kulaan...(sedare - mare) bekumpul kat 1 Syawal...acare pd pg syawal pas mintak ampun n mintak wet rye berjalan lancar...(plus...i also got my part ... eVen da bosau)...dat was the best part in this family...tokwan plak "amun ditiring , terkurihing ja" ble acare amek gambo family...walhal ..b4 ni, dye agk malas la bab2 amek gambo ni..but on da 5th day of Syawal...tokwan diserang demam pns smpai kne masok  wad...n it was sad to note that dye cam kne serang pra strok lagy...jap2 dye cam lost short term of memory...sampai skunk...he's still not so i already  decided...maybe next week , i have to go to jengka ....tlg2 la nenek mne yg patot cz condition tok wan yg x blh bergerak n berdiri langsng menyukarkan nenek nk mandi'n n tlg all dat things..nenek pn da x kuat pity my nenek~ 

pernah x kowunk ase confuse between sahabat Vs kaseh???    2 benda yg hampir 2 bende yg beza nya cam muke surat seblah menyeblah je...lagi 1 ..  between         suke Vs cinte.. 
 dat what i 'm talkin about now...and it keep questioning in my this matter... my mind keeps disagree with my feeling... its so complicated..For whether the number of times, got a heart to be break...sori....

mungkin ade yg berkate...sgt memilih, poyo, n etc la...but i still believe in faith ..... x kan lari KLCC di kejar...huhuh..and  one more things...suke x bererti mesti cinta..n berkawan x semestinya berakhir dgn berkaseh...namun...klu i'm strongly believe , persahabat yh iklas krn Allah akn sentiase d hati walau ape pn terjadi... insyaAllah...berlainan dengan kaseh yg samada dtg sendri , dipupuk atau di buat2 yg dimulakan dgn persahabatan...belum tentu persahabatan yg terjalin sebelum "kaseh" tu akan remain .. (ni kes if anythings happen la)...

namun , ble tbe persoalan ini...u still have to make a decision.. adakala utk mengelak 1 risiko yg x snggup kite hadapi, kite terpakse berdepan dgn 1 risiko lagi.. yeah...contoh nye macam..i'll miss da old are u..miss ur  jokes n story..miss da  stupid name dat u use to call me..or maybe u'll lost a gud x pe... always state it  in ur mind  that... "kaseh itu kesabaran...sabar itu subur" 

pikir2 la ye sedare...w'salam..