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5 Aug 2010

P.E.N.I.N.K + K.O.N.P.I.U.Z

SaLaM ....

today is 25th of Sya'ban 1431H... 
hepY besday to my course mate, en azrie Xara sobrieyg ke20...
perasaan skunk agak sikit penink n confiuse
y??? it's becoz lately...people keep ask me about my
or else

adeh...(-_~).4 da 1st question.... 
actually i really in to it...spe yg x mo kje n get ur own money , rite???
but my situation rite know got some matter to think about n sattle down...
it;s not just like dat...besides... the "pkcik bas MARA"  who always 
curik tulang n got excuses making the situation going more worse...
da la 2 je bas yg available kat Felda ni!!!! 
the last bus is at 8.15pm o'clock while most of da works  available kat kt tinggi 2 closing their 
business around 9pm..
so?? da conclusion is , i must find da work which got da hostel 
or somethin yg sewaktu dgnye...
my own transport still not available g 4 diz time even
i just got my own lisence..huhu... 
nk p kje 2 xde nk blk 2...xkan la evwy day nk mtk ihsan abah...??
i just dun want 2 be burnden 4 him...

4 da 2nd question...

i already apply la 4 da july intake ...
but still dun have luck..
dat pointer x la bp cekang no...
rite know...adew la sket feeling of lack of hope...
huhuhu...neva of luck 2 a few of 
my fwen who got da entry to da upm, uitm n uthm..
so..rite aim is search 4 any kind og jobs yg 
possible 4 me...if could be...i try to avoid da type of work dat need me 
to sit in da's quit bored!!!! believe me...
hwahwahwa~ i just saying based from my experience..hehe..
konon2 ...time ribena dlu nk jd id or else nk jd wartawan...
and i dun want 2 be an accountant,,
yes!!! dat it,..
my it's already written in my faith BooK..
at last....kos ni la yg aq amek kat poly...
hahah...and as what i expected...this kind of work quit bored
even da salary quit attractive... it could be to me to apply stdy after diz..
i dun want 2 take acconting anymore,...wann'a try out 
something wish more lighter then diz one..
maybe business...hhaha..
(berangan je aq ni)..  :P


azrie sobri said...

thanx cik aqielah!!!

cik areqil cik wok said...

u r welcome bro...hihih