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16 May 2011

The story Of Yuna and rains in Kota Tinggi...

$alam.. Hi there! It been  2 days since my 1st entry about “my Curhat”..

For your information, while I’m trying to “conteng2” for this entry , I’m watching Yunalis Zarai  a.k. a. YUNA in  Yuna Inspired” on Hitz Tv
in This episode , Yuna gets ready for her big performance at the Mercury Lounge at London… I do really luv her performance and voice, plus the way she dress up.. (even sometime she's looks Dorky!) J…She’s  witty and so outstanding in her performance.. Her songs inspired everyone .. My fav songs are Deeper Conversation, Coffee, and the last but not least, Dan Sebernarnya… There are some warm feelin when you listening to her music.. Cool and calming.. hehe…
It had been  a couple of days raining here…..sometimes, its rains cat and dog…seriously!!! (@_@).. That make me  feelin’ (malas nak mandi cz sangat SEJUK!!) wakakaka!! The climax reached when the thunder struck my telephone and of coz, my steamyx line got affected … YAW~ (‘_’)”….Kempunan maw on9!! agagaga…. LUCKY!  The "internet men "came this afternoon and fix the problem… YaeY!!!! \\(^^,)//Tengz alotz TMNET!!! Hehehe… until then ..Do really had to stop NOW b4 Mem Beso release her LOUD SPEAKER..askin me  to have my bath …
Hehe..daaa~ salam.. (^^,)*

12 May 2011

Post Untuk Awak yang merenung Bulan di Utara........

Salam  and hopefully always in the extra ordinary mood....

This entry is for Wak Mat a.k.a "perenung bulan yang setia di Utara" huhu...\(^^,*)/
I keep thinking on how much I love talking to you

How good you look when you smile.
How much I love your laugh.
I day-dream about you off and on,
replaying pieces of our conversation;
laughing at funny things that you said or did..
I've memorized your face &&
the way that you look at me..
I catch myself smiling again at what I imagine..
I wonder what will happen the next time we are together
& even though nothing will come out of this,
i know one thing for sure, for once.. i dont care,

i charish every moment i have with you

143 :사랑하는:あなたを愛し:أحبك

5 May 2011

berakit - rakit ke hulu, berenang - renang ke tepian...


Based from the entry title above,  spe yg x rase sakit dan betapa payah nye idup ...xkan merasa kemanisan dan satisfaction dlm hidup ...begitulah gamok nye... itu yang mama ckp kat cik aqil tatkala menyuarakan hasrat payoh beno nak pat kje n tempat tinggal yang sesuai.. haha (pdn muke aq, sp swh gatal2 benti kje ??) Mama cakap , mungkin Allah nak uji kita , tinggal mungkin kite je yg x ckp lagi meminta dan berdoa pd - Nya disamping usaha x cukup usaha n keep on going !!! Gambatte!!

Sepanjang hari ini  , antara kejayaan yang telah dicapai:

>dah jumpe dah Teddy Bear yg kak Yong bg time besdaY last year...

 >dah berjaya jait mulut Mr Teddy yang dah telonggar gile tuh..( Aida pUnye kje) sigh~ 

Ha3...da tersenyum blk  Mr Teddy ni.. ( sorie Wak Wat)

> dah siap mengemas bilik adik & Nina yang cam br kne landa " World Most Tragic disaster "
> Dah update resume n tinggal nk post je...
> Berjaye wat 1 scetch yg paling kaku pernah dibuat since i already leave art class for about 4 years sudah..
 Pecahan yang ade dlm jantung cik Aqil... surrounding by Blessing from Allah

> And the last but not least, berjaya menghabiskan novel ni in 1 day ..ahahah (actually, cm unbelievable sbb
   Cik Aqil mmg la x bape minat membaca novel, but this one mmg klako n fun abes, story line yg menarik)

okie , sampai sini je, untill then..W'salam (^^ ,)