Assalam dan semoga dalam bulatan kegembiraan..
Today, cik Aqil baru siapkan half way entry pasal Forum HA (Hilal Asyraf) young well known author , once a blogger, celeb, kolumnis, and motivater I guess... tunggu ek..entry masih dalam pembikinan..
Aqil dalam mood susah nye nak focus untuk siapkan essay Dr Rei Nakamura which is all about invented tradition yang kena submit esok pagi at 9!!!!!!!!! Ya Allah~ kenapa la aku ni stuck sangat ? I just feelin t to kick my forehead yang luas gila ni.!Besides. jadi editor untuk analisis kes Moro people (Mindanou) vs Philipphine Government for diplomacy.. (-.-")
Then , still kemaruk and tak sedar diri to attend this event tonite,untuk ladies je ..yehehe.. "Pentas Bidadari Syurga" ..nama pun dah havoc the vouge~! hihihi~The main reason nak p is because nak jumpa and attend perkongsian ilmu Ustazah FATIMAH Sharha! yeay! alhamdulillah...Betullah cakap org, if we are really strongly eager looking for what we want, Allah will show the way for you..even u already miss quite similar oppurtunity before for some reasons that u can't avoid ! Really look forward to meet this ustazah... ^^. One more, nak dengar performance Ainan TAsnim since my roomate and Wak Mat pun sgt admire voice dia and I personally pernah dengar her performance life on air, TWICE okay~ for me ..agak mengecewakan coz x seperti dalam radio since tak berapa performance tonite might be akan menukarkan perception I pasal this gurl or remain the same?? sorry Ainan ... akak sekadar jujur.. =) nak pakai ape ek? Memandangkan theme Arabian I guess...baik pakai yang ready made je...Jubah Wak Mat bagi sekali dengan shawl ..haha...pilihan yang selamat .. Nanti update lagi ek..
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Can't wait!! |
Gambar menyebok today
sememangnya memudahkan. Tiada alasan lagi korang yang perempuan ni nak
malas-malas masak ya? Dah dah pergi masuk dapur :P hehe~
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